भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इंदौर Indian Institute of Technology Indore
IIT Indore
Indian Institute of Technology Indore is an autonomous statutory organization functioning within the Institute of Technology Act. The seven IITs (others being at Kharagpur, Kanpur, New Delhi, Mumbai, Guwahati, and Roorkee) and new eight IITs are administered centrally by the IITs' Council, an apex body established by the Government of India. The Minister of Human Resource & Development, Government of India, is the Chairman of the Council. Each Institute has a Board of Governors responsible for its overall administration and control.
The Senate comprising all professors of the Institute decides the academic policy of the Institute. It controls and approves the curriculum, courses, examinations and results. It appoints committees to look into specific academic matters arising from time to time. The teaching, training and research activities of various departments of the Institute are periodically reviewed to improve facilities and maintain standards. The Director of the Institute is the ex-officio Chairman of the Senate.
There are three Senate Sub-Committees, namely, Board of Academic Research, Board of Academic Courses and Board of Students to help academic administration and efficient functioning of the Institute. The Finance Committee advises on all financial policy matters while the building and Works Committee advises on matters relating to buildings and works activities. In addition, the Board of Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research; and Library Advisory Committee advises on matters of industrial consultancy and library matters respectively.