भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इंदौर Indian Institute of Technology Indore
IIT Indore
IIT Indore is an institution of national importance and was established by an act of Hon’ble Parliament of India in the year 2009. This is part of the Government of India initiative that envisages India as a global knowledge and technology leader. Continuing with the tradition of the older IITs, IIT Indore aims to play an active role in propelling India on her growth trajectory by focusing on research-based education and innovation-driven research and entrepreneurship. IIT Indore aims to achieve this mission with humanistic concerns.
Your contributions will help IIT Indore in fulfilling its objectives of developing required infrastructure, providing support to the students, enhancement of academic, technological, and social outreach of the Institute, Development of world-class research and learning facilities for industries, teaching and research institutions, skill development and scaling up the research and innovation towards the national requirements, to contribute to the development of world-class technological innovation.
The institute needs your wholehearted support and from all the stakeholders of the society, including its alumni and industries to achieve its objectives to become one of the top educational Institute in the world.
The contribution has a Tax benefit
IIT Indore is registered under section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, which allows a tax deduction on donations.